لە مرۆڤی رەشبین بە دووربە، چونکە ئەوان بۆ هەر چارەسەرێک کێشەیەک دروست دەکەن!(ئەنیشتاین)

سکالاکەی ئەمریکا


Monday, 07.29.2024, 04:21 PM

For the first time ever, shockingly gruesome details of the Barzani criminal conspiracy nightmare of massive human rights violations, going on for years, and including incineration of a Kurdish woman, will be fully and publicly exposed to the full light of justice.  The rot and lawlessness buried so deep in the Barzani regime that it has become all but invisible will be revealed in United States federal court in Washington DC, next door to the halls of the carefully watching American Congress. The Kurdish Victims Fund is ready to prove the case – with crushing evidence, devastating truth, and astonishing insider witness testimony.  Bribery or intimidation typical of the Barzani regime cannot stop this alarming evidence from being presented to the American court and to the world


This is the first time these thousands of human rights violations by the KRG will be exposed in great detail to the American public, and to Washington DC policy makers, and to Members of Congress, and to the worldwide media.  This uncovered exposure will likely also lead to Congressional investigations by the United States Congress which is watching this case.  Congress cannot condone any human rights crimes, especially when it involves injury or death.  And the United States Government cannot provide foreign aid and military assistance to regimes guilty of human rights abuses.

         This case against the Barzani family and its co-conspirators alleges violations of many United States criminal laws, United Nations treaties, and treaties of the Republic of Iraq.  The Barzani’s have consistently failed to fulfil their lawful human rights obligations.

In this case, extensively documented specifics of thousands of human rights violations will be presented to the court which will create an outraged chill amongst those in Washington DC who closely monitor such things – including the White House.

         One disturbing example in the case is the agonizing murder of 33-year-old Erbil school teacher Jihan Taha Abdulrahman, a mother of two young children.  She was brutally tortured and murdered in the Barzani-controlled town of Barzan, Kurdistan, by agents of Mustafa “Babo” Barzani, the designated Kurdistan Regional Government official head of the Barzan region acting under the command and direction of criminal mastermind Masrour Barzani.

Jihan Taha Abdulrahman was a harmless school teacher in Erbil, Kurdistan, and was a vocal but peaceful critic of the criminality and human and civil rights crimes of the Barzani regime.  She appeared as a representative of teachers three times on Kurdistan television criticizing the Barzani-controlled KRG Ministry of Education.  Silencing Jihan is part of the Barzani family’s  continuing ruthless effort to maintain unrestrained political and commercial power in Kurdistan and instill fear in its citizens.  The United States Department of State has documented this pattern of silencing expression and political dissent, and U S Embassy communiques and United Nations documents in the possession of Kurdish Victims Fund attorneys will be presented at trial.

The Barzani Continuing Criminal Enterprise acted violently to silence Jihan.  She never drove her car in the mountains to Barzan.  She knew no persons in Barzan.  She has no criminal history.  But Barzan police reported she had a traffic “accident” in Barzan in the dark of night after a normal full day of teaching middle and high school students in Erbil.  Barzan police said she was traveling alone, on a road with which she was totally unfamiliar, and at least a three-hour drive time from her home. 

What actually happened was that agents of the Barzani Continuing Criminal Enterprise silenced and killed defenseless Jihan.  This woman had no weapons or means or skills or training or facility of self-protection.  Barzani agents kidnapped her, drove her car to Barzan, tortured her, and then in an inhuman and barbarous manner set fire to her car while she was trapped inside. Pictures were taken by passersby and published of Jihan’s car fully engrossed in flame on a straight stretch of highway in Barzan. This helpless Kurd woman burned to death.

The US Government says this is one of the most excruciating forms of pain imaginable.

In a transparent and false setup orchestrated by police agents operating under the command and control of Masrour Barzani, Mustafa “Babo” Barzani and Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government and the Barzani Criminal Enterprise, the Barzan police released a fake story that Jihan was the victim of an accident and died in the car fire.  In truth, she was restrained, locked in her car, and burned to death by the very Barzani officials who investigated and publicized her death. The engine compartment and rear of the car including the fuel and exhaust systems, where a vehicle fire would have customarily started and flared, were not completely burned.  Only the passenger compartment which contains no accelerants was totally consumed by fire as was Jihan’s body which was incinerated.  She was burned alive! 

United States law and treaties consider this extreme cruelty.  The United States Court of Washington DC says this is beyond all possible bounds of decency, and is regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.

The Kurdistan Regional Government is part of the Republic of Iraq.  Iraq is a party to most major international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  This case brings this human rights cause of action against the Barzani Criminal Enterprise before the Washington DC court because US courts must comply with the law of nations.  The Barzani Regime makes a mockery of international law but the US courts will hold them accountable.

ئەو بابەت و هەواڵانەی کە ناوی نووسەرەکانیان دیار و ئاشکرایە، تەنیا
نووسەرەکەی بەرپرسیارە، نەک تەڤداپرێس


مسعود بارزانی دوای سەرنەکەوتنی لە رواندنی ددانی دەستکرد
براوەی کۆنگرەی چواردە
ململانێی نێوان بنەماڵەی بارزانی
جاشایەتی ئال بارزانی بۆ ئەردۆغان
تابلۆکانی شەهیدانی قەلەم لەکوردستان


چارەنووسی بنەماڵەی بارزانی و تالەبانی چۆن دەبینیت؟