لە مرۆڤی رەشبین بە دووربە، چونکە ئەوان بۆ هەر چارەسەرێک کێشەیەک دروست دەکەن!(ئەنیشتاین)

سکالاکەی ئەمریکا


Thursday, 09.19.2024, 04:55 PM

A Washington DC person of long experience recently described Kurdistan Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and his corrupt family as dictators who can feel the power slipping from their grasp and so are attempting to hold onto it by way of distraction and misrepresentation.  Their misrepresentation and lies are rampant in Washington, which the Kurdistan Victims Fund is documenting for the federal court judge.

When Prime Minister Barzani travels to Washington, he falsely presents himself to United States officials as a strong advocate of democracy and a staunch friend of the United States.  Yet the preponderance of evidence to be presented by the Kurdistan Victims Fund at trial will expose his tyrannical conduct and his repeated and very significant financial defrauding of the United States Government and the Kurdish people.  (This will be explained in coming Court Reports.) His countless statements of misrepresentation, and those of his agents, including his United States representative Treefa Aziz, to United States officials are also being presented to the court.

In the ongoing law case in the Washington DC United States federal court, the judge recently directed the Kurdistan Victims Fund to submit a report this week.  In their extensive report to the court, the Barzani Regime was described as “a coldly-efficient transnational criminal organization, corruption scheme, and conspiracy of crimes, continuing to this day.”

The court was informed that Masrour Barzani has built his life and career and political power on lies, and that following his father Masoud Barzani he is today the mastermind of the Barzani Criminal Enterprise.  Evidence to be presented at trial shows their international crimes have continued since he, along with his criminal co-conspirator Rubar Sandi, a Kurdish-American living near Washington, deceived and tricked the United States Department of State into clearing him for his American green card, which is fraudulent and another crime, and which as a result of evidence to be presented at trial will likely be permanently revoked by the United States Government.  The documented evidence of this immigration fraud is in the possession of K D F attorneys and will be presented at the public trial.

The Barzani misrepresentations are pervasive and against U S law.  A Barzani social media supporter recently described Barzani’s Washington representative Treefa Aziz as a highly respected Washington attorney.  That is yet another Barzani misrepresentation and untruth, as the court was informed this week.  Treefa Aziz is not widely known, and the lawyer licensing authority declares Treefa Aziz “is not in good standing”.  The licensing authority says “attorneys are placed in ‘not in good standing’ status when their licenses are administratively suspended or when they are suspended or revoked for disciplinary reasons.”

This week the court was also informed how potential witnesses, and even those innocent persons not in any way involved in the case, are being persecuted and tortured by the Barzani Criminal Enterprise.  Confidential insider human sources of evidence who will testify at trial were reported to the court in the original complaint.  Soon after that was presented to the court, two long-time female members of the housekeeping staff serving in the Barzani mansions were unlawfully jailed by agents of the K R G.  They were suspected by the Barzani Criminal Enterprise as being “confidential insider sources – which they are not – and the United States court has been informed.  This is an extreme violation of U S and Iraq and international law.  These two Kurdish women were criminally jailed, with no legal warrant, detained illegally, kept from their families, never allowed to see a judge, and were tortured to get a confession.  But there was nothing to confess.  All of this is in strict violation of Iraq and international law and treaties, which the Barzani Criminal Enterprise simply ignores.  After being held for approximately six months, these two innocent Kurdish women were unceremoniously released from jail and are now illegally ordered to remain in their village and illegally not allowed to possess a telephone.  They remain in constant fear of further violation of their civil and human rights.

The United States court and the Department of State have been informed of these recent severe violations by the Barzani Crimianl Enterprise of human rights law.

Under United States law, defendants must be properly served with a court summons.  This was ordered by a United States Court but has been severely obstructed, and confidential sources have informed attorneys this obstruction of a United States court order is being directed by Masrour Barzani, who as a United States person possessing a green card continues to violate United States and international law and will be held to account for these newest unlawful acts.  This too was reported to the United States judge this week.  Rather than answer the merits of the crimes alleged in the court case and reach a settlement, the Barzani Criminal Enterprise continues to misrepresent and distract. So the case moves forward toward public U. S. trial.

In a ruling issued just weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court, the highest court in America, spoke of the American “historic commitment to the rule of law”, emphasizing that “guilty shall not escape”.  Time and time again it is documented in the Barzani criminal enterprise court case now in the federal court in Washington D C how the Barzani regime has no apparent commitment to the rule of law and uses the powers of their K R G offices to commit crimes in their criminal pursuit of money.  When leaders use the powers of their office for personal gain or as part of a criminal scheme, every person in the country has an interest in that crime being exposed.  This federal case in Washington D C is bringing that overdue exposure to the rampant international criminality of the Barzani Criminal Enterprise.

As the United States Supreme Court just declared, the “guilty shall not escape.”

ئەو بابەت و هەواڵانەی کە ناوی نووسەرەکانیان دیار و ئاشکرایە، تەنیا
نووسەرەکەی بەرپرسیارە، نەک تەڤداپرێس


مسعود بارزانی دوای سەرنەکەوتنی لە رواندنی ددانی دەستکرد
براوەی کۆنگرەی چواردە
ململانێی نێوان بنەماڵەی بارزانی
جاشایەتی ئال بارزانی بۆ ئەردۆغان
تابلۆکانی شەهیدانی قەلەم لەکوردستان


چارەنووسی بنەماڵەی بارزانی و تالەبانی چۆن دەبینیت؟